Sunday, November 7, 2010

Happy Day and why it's not worth complaining over a bad day

It's good to get your frustrations out for awhile. How does it feel? How does a person feel better having reminded him or herself the dilemma they face?

I seldom complain. If you ask my mom, she'll say I barely do. When I was a kid, I found complaining to be nothing. When my parents didn't let me do something that I want, I realized that they had the right to do so. I had no problems with that. I trust them and I try to earn their trust. Last time, I said I was no angel so I'm still on thin ice if I do something really wrong. I often get into headaches problems but I find it's not worth complaining over. On Friday, all I could think about was third midterm of the week and basically told anyone who would listen. I was pissed at myself. Why the heck would I complain about that? I went through a lot of exams already and I should have thought better. Worked better. Handled my ego a little better. I was really out of character then. It wasn't bad but I still should have been more disciplined mentally.

So maybe I do complain, I complain in my prayers but not to anyone else. People already have enough of their own problems. I take complaints from friends or family because I know I can do something about it: Pray. I know if I pray I can help someone out. I know God made it not for us to feel good but to help us talk to him. He's there always and never gone. Even if we don't feel him, he's still there. Doesn't matter what you do before or after, He's still listening to every word and every thought.

When I heard about how 1 Corinthians 14 showed people complaining in minor matters so much that it became the main thing, I realized how too often it happens. We can't elude it sometimes because we make a big deal out of it. How big of a deal can it get? Lebron-Cleveland big? Yes it can. Say the word and it can happen. It's up to us to stop our bickering and complaints and learn that life can simply be just so much more if we just be a little better than ourselves. That's why God tells us to cast all our cares upoun Him because He cares more than anyone else

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