Thursday, June 4, 2009

The world is different is every way imaginable. It can be cruel, it can be nice, it can be beautiful, it can be terrible; but most of all, it can change you or break you. It's not a good world. You can believe all you want that it is but it's not.

If you owned a country, people can either love you or hate you.

If you knew people, their either your friends or enemies.

If you had family, their either the closest thing or the farthest thing.

Truth is, I'm sad. I'd cry for those who have no friends or family. I cry for those who are pushed by many just because of greed. I'd cry not for the world but for the people. I'd weep as I see the disasters, killings, break ins, and mistakes. I'd cry for the friend who's getting pushed around. I'd cry for the bad stuff i see.

After all that, I'd still be smiling to first guy I know on the way to work.

I'd smile that I get to catch up on a friends life. I'd smile because even though their having problems they're not letting it get to them. I'd smile for the fella who gets support from friends and family. I'd smile at the bird on the tree. I'd smile for the beauty of the sun. I'd smile when i see one smile from my friend or even just on it.

Beautiful, Sweet, Cruel, Disastrous, and most of all, life's just plain Unpredictable. Can't say what'll happen, or when I'll cry or smile or laugh next.

I can say this, I'll cry when I see it happens and I'll smile when I see it happens. Life is IT.


oh yeah, so can you.

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