Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Thursday, December 4, 2008
Technique = force. The shin in naturally hard but it's the force that kills.
In mma, I always wondered what was more effective, kicks or knee. Well, knees but they're hard to hit because you want to hit the head. Unless your in a clinch, it won't be that effective. A low kick which I'm trying to learn seems to be used to hit the thigh and lower leg. That force kills the part that helps you walk or jump; so, in a way, it renders you vulnerable to punches. What I don't get is head kicks. They're so unpredictable. They can knock you out cold. With the right force, it will just plain hurt and it hits you in the head, neck, temple, or face. It won't break bones, hopefully ; but it will knock the wind out of you. It's trauma. Imagine hitting a wall that's your force against yours bouncing back. Imagine you walk into a moving wall! Imagine a head moving to avoid a jab or a punch, normally a hook will go in, but what if it was a full round kick. The force isnt from ground to head ; it's from turning from your back with a centrifugal force that will hit the head. Imagine a snap, throw a stick straight. Now swing a stick, that's the force we're looking for.
You gotta learn technique. Be smart. Perfect the art. Find a way that doesn't need so much work. You can work hard all you want but you suddenly find a way to make life easier , you put the same amount of effort but produce more. When you think and slow down, you can win. I always rushed my projects but at my practical test, I stayed calm. I slowed down and made my moves like a chess player and it payed off. I got two waveforms even though I finished almost last. It works. Even if your not a chess player, which I am terrible at. I guess when you know and understand the game like a figther understands the human body or a basketball player that knows the ball and bounces well, we can win.
Take your time. Work smart. But keep working hard. All the best to all my friends in NP for our common tests
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Whether it be in the ring or the octagon, fights are always unpredictable. It's never easy to predict what will happen in the ring. A fighter may say he's going to knock his opponent out or destory him for 5 whole rounds, still won't be sure of what will happen until the fight happens. We can use science , math, records, knockout percentage and luck ; but nobody ever knows what happens when we get in the ring.
Monday, December 1, 2008

First Time for everything
I'm gonna give my analysis for UFC 92
Quinton "Rampage" Jackson VS Wanderlei "THe Axe Murderer" Silva
Why Rampage would win.
-He's by far the better athlete and wrestler. He's got that incredible knock out power not only through his hands but in his slams. He's more versatile and knocked out Chuck Liddel who beat Silva by unanimous decision. Silva also likes to keep it standing where in when prolonged could prove adavantageous to Rampage.
Why Silva would win.
-He has that knock out power in his hands and good ju jitsu for defense against Rampage's wrestling skills. He's always looking for a KO and has the skills to prove it. Though he lost to Liddel, he came back by knocking out Keith Jardine. When he does take someone down, he grounds and pounds rather than go for a submission. He also holds a KO victory over Rampage during PRIDE and not to mention a mental edge since many are unsure of Rampage's mental condition.
Overall: I love Silva's style but it could go to the ground. I'm going with Rampage because he looks more prepared than he was against Griffin and he's much more improved that the Rampage in PRIDE.
Forrest Griffin and Rashad "Sugar" Evans
Why Evans would win.
-He's name says it's all. He's a very multi-dimensional fighter who can wrestle, box with those deadly hands that took out Chuck Liddel and 3 others and has won by ground and pound with extremely effective take downs. Sugar can prove his worth right here.
Why Forrest would win.
-He's so improved and made a statement with that huge victory over Rampage. He also has better submission skills and equal stand up with Evans, if it went to the ground, he could have a better advantage but it's very hard to take Evans down as well as knock him out because of his craftiness. Forrest has shown he can turn around against the odds. He can also turn himself to a legend by giving Evans his first loss.
Overall: fight could go either way, I expect both men to go all five rounds and people would still be scrathing their heads after the decision. I think it will go to decision by Rashard Evans.
I haven't seen Frank Mir and Antonio Noguiera fight so I'll guess Noguiera as the better BJJ guy.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
I miss home when I spend Sunday alone.
I miss home when I see my cousin's pictures.
I miss home whenever I visit lucky plaza.
I miss home but I'm not sad.
My family is here with me.
We visit my relatives and grandmother twice a year.
We go on vacations during Christmas.
I'm just happy the way things are now and I hope I can go further to where I need to go.
I wanna make my Dad proud.
I wanna love God and my family on Sundays.
I wanna cherish memories of the fun things me and my cousins do.
I still go to lucky plaza for a hint of Filipino food.
I'll work my ass of to make myself stronger and wiser.
Takes time but it's a sure win.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Stuck up
Enough of the old days, eventually, I made good with them and towards the final year those who wanted it more just got what they needed and I'm pretty glad a bunch of us ended up in the same polytechnic even though we don't see each other much except for Azhar who I see a lot when my course comittee meets. I'm just glad and a little sad that the phase of childhood is over.
I doodled a little about Meng and CHooka. They were talking about someone. So i drew up a picture were Chooka was an owl and Meng a fox. The owl was trying to see something and the fox just wanted to see but could only hear descriptions. I think it's also the first time I heard the phrase "Universal Descriptions".
I'll post the thing until I can get it scanned. Vaish kept laughing at it and I think I could make an animal out of everyone in class. I'd probably be a turtle, Vaish a bird, Zul a bat, Izhar a fish, and Edos as a dog.......oh, well, life goes on...cartoonists may not be my thing anyway
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Randy "The Natural" Courture VS Brock Lesnar
Lesnar didn't have a lucky punch. He made a good move and took advantage of an openning and avoided being out wrestled by Courture. He then used his speed to get on COurture and finish the Champion off.
Courture could not have played his game any better. He made very good takedown attempts and sligthly neutralised Lesnar's size. What he couldn't have probaly anticipated was being knocked out by a right hook which caught him off guard, and forced to give Lesnar that openning that he couldn't close.
I'm really looking forward to the next few fights. Forrest Griffin Vs Rashard Evans.Antônio Rodrigo Nogueira vs Frank Mir (Winner faces Lesnar). Quiton "Rampage" Jackson Vs Waderlei Silva "The Axe Murderer". UFC 92. Yeah!!!
I'm having problems with my jabs and movement. I can move but I'm struggling to read my opponents as well and anticipating a hook or straight. My jabs are very weak and I don't think I can do much with those unless I can get a better flow or learn to throw other punches and kicks. We also had sparring sessions. Me and my partner didn't know that we were only supposed to punch so we threw push kicks and low kicks at each other. After changing partners, I accidentally hit the guy on the forehead and the chin but it was light shot so he was fine.
I have a presentation and red camp tomorrow so gonna be a long day.
Happy B-day to Nhan and all the best to my seniors on their last year and a promising future to my fellow school mates!
Monday, November 17, 2008
First Punch
Monday, November 10, 2008
Watch my head
Ok, it's kick boxing. As much as I am of a nice guy, I've always had the desire to try and kick someone's ass. I always hesitated in a fight. I wondered how bad would I hurt the guy. I can barely hold my own against geeks. My fight record is a street fight in primary school and two near ones in secondary school. My credentials is a white belt in Taekwondo which I never found again and which I dropped after I got swimming classes. Don't know if I have killer instinct or a knack to punch someone in the face but it's something I always wanted to try since watching Anderson Silva knock Rich Franklin out in the first fight I watched. I then heard of other names such Chuck Liddel, Tito Ortiz, Ken Shamrock (someone I recognized when I was a WWE guy), and sooner or later the UFC. Some of my favorites were Waderlei Silva Vs Keith Jardine and Silva knocked him out 24 seconds into the fight. Then, George St. Pierre Vs Matt Serra. Then, Rashad Evans Vs Chuck Liddel. I like watching the sport but now I wanna see if I can give it a try.
I better watch my head now. I don't wanna get knocked out on my first punch. My country men are known for taking punches. Especially Brandon Vera.
Wish me luck. Oh yeah, I might be calling myself Darryl for a while. If you haven't completely noticed, I have second name so call me Darryl sometimes.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Day...???? and dogs
the time there was an earthquake and a aquarium smashed my arm...I think....oh well, I grew up rough but not all rough thanks to my parents.
I asked my dad if I turned out as a black sheep or troublemaker in the family. he said that I was better than expected aside from studies. he understands me well, sometimes a little better than I do myself.
thanks dad. Well bay to Day 1...till day ????
Friday, October 31, 2008
WIld night @ NP@45
I ended up screwing up my resistors for my PDPR and couldn't finish on time so I was basically screwed and I was really mad about it since I knew I should have just double checked before putting it in. I had a lot to finish because I didn't diagram properly enough.
FCS lecture was bit for more. I sat next to Shao Ting and while the teacher was fixing his comp Me, Edos, and Meng went down for snacks and I still had to play waiter to Shao Ting and Ngan( buy snack for them). Lessons flew quickly then lunch with friends from the other class in my course and flying around to submit my final print outs for my PDPR's other project. I was over my failure by then, knowing I just needed to be smarter next time and update my I-pod on better music than R N B and Hip Hop. (Playing Kanye West during soldering wasn't a bad idea though..Rhianna and Chris brown? not a good choice especially when circuiting). We finished MI lessons and struggled through the practical because well, I didn't know the teacher wrote down the stuff we needed on the board by then and Chooka was actually following them. I'm really not good and paying attention to simple stuff. Hahahahaha....
I ended up almost on my own. I followed Edos, Khairul, Syukri and Ifri to the Motorcycle parking lot at BLK 5. They were taking bikes with another guy who rode one of those Motocross bikes. It looked scary and I barely had the guts to ride on the back of Edos's bike. After they left, me and syukri found Chooka and his friend Jovin. Jovin was supposed to video graph the whole event for the tree planting and prize giving. I took the camera a few times to shoot some people who were performing before the event and mostly were hi's and peace signs. With the tree planting happening else where, we had to run up slopes to get ahead of the group to get shots of the tree planting and going to the green mall to take shots of the prize giving. I headed of to the NP@45 at the convention centre where it was already crowded with at least 400 -500 students by then but i was thinking much more. I spotted some friends by then, Aifah, Suren, ST then at the bag deposit, Sean and Jaslyn. Edos, Ifri, Syukri and Khairul where there then and they headed off inside first since I needed to get Jovin in. I spotted Meng and at the same time with a girl and later with his twin inside. Me and Jovin went around till his camera battery went flat and we seperated afterwards. I followed Edos around where Khairul ending up dancing with some girls they saw and it was pretty crazy. I found Katherine with her Taekwondo friends inside dancing too but I didn't stay long with them though I'd bump into them three more times. Edos and Syukri pushed me to dance with the other girls but I wasn't having it. It wasn't me to do it either.
The weird parts were almost a blur but unforgettable. There was my friend Joshua Simon in make up as the Joker in Dark Knight and later a bunch of guys in white masks. The weirdest parts were a bunch of guys dressed up as girls then some fella as a European actor then a nurse and then...most were just plain scary anyway.
Some where in the middle I found Suren and his hockey mates dancing on the open space. Then surpise, I found Charleen who I haven't seen since my 1st year. She was hanging out with he ECH friends and Hi-Club friends. It was really cool to see her again.
I found Stacey (Zheng Yi), classmate from CAEM 2, Dancing with her friends near the stage. There was this one guy in headband and scarf started trying to dance with them. I got infront of him and did some moves of his own with three of my juniors and stacey watching. Not sure if I either made a cool impression or made a fool out of myself but we had some fun at it, shaking hands with the fella later after the music ended.
I headed of around 10 pm and headed for the bus stop were I met Pei Xuan my PJC schoolmate with a fellow guitar club membet Hui Khim. We took the same bus home so I had company rather than just my I-pod.
Wild night @ Np. Couldn't get any wilder or weirder than this.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Christian mma fighters
It's so dangerous. A hard fight but this is what they live for. It's scary but there's a reason why we have these three guys here. They went down a long road of struggle and saw fights which ended either way for them. In the same way our lives or work, can end either in a knock out or you could push it to a decision. It can be anything. It can destroy you or make you. but these three feel that it has made them stronger by being Christian. learning to live life God's way and following his will. Rich Franklin, Quiton Jackson, mat Hughes. Powerful Men but also serving a powerful GOd. Let's remember that GOd has given us the power to be strong and courageous to stand between the living and the death. Amen
Monday, September 8, 2008
After burners
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Bottom Feeders of the NBA part 2
The T-Wolves went from big time trading of Kevin Garnet to a rebuilding block. Al Jefferson has been solid and the trade for Kevin Love was at first some what puzzling. OJ Mayo would have been a quality player and would have turned some heads in Minnesota. He was the Most NBA ready next to Beasley and would be a leader on the floor; yet they end up with Love, rumored to be good but over weight and undersized for center. However, let's look at the positive side. He worked with RUssel Westbrook who was a gym rat and became slimmer and stronger entering the draft. He possesed a good inside and outside game which would compliment Jefferson. He was also used in UCLA as an average rebounder. In the worst case, Love would become a Eddy Curry but at the best he can turn into a Chris Kaman-type guy and possibily something of Jefferson's caliber. Wolves also strengthen their backcourt with Mike Miller from the trade while getting rid of Marko Jaric's and Antoine Walker's contracts, also Jaric's Brazilian Supermodel girlfriend and Walker's shimmy. While Gerald Green is gone, the team remains intact with the resigning of Ryan Gomes and Bassy Telfair. Telfair was effective as a point guard and could do better next year. He's very different from his cousin Stephon Marbury. He's not overpaid, just underachieving and sligthy too much expectations yet Kevin McHale knows that without a proven point in Randy Foye he'll need Telfair to run things. The back courts finishes with Miller and Rashard McCants who's been like Telfair but he's showing his true form soon. Corey Brewer needs to be more than the wing man that can be an above average guard. He needs to gain some muscles and some shooting if he wants to get consistent minutes. Rodney Carney "traded for Money " adds more scoring off the bench with returning Craig Smith. SMith reminds me of a Charles Oakley type of guy who can just bang around but get buckets. The starting five should be Foye, Miller/ Brewer, Gomes/ Carney, Love, and Jefferson. Wolves won't make the play offs much they should surprise some teams along the way. don't expect them to be the same bottom feeder team again.
The Heat is on Riley to make some moves. He's signed some strong and experieced Swing men but haven't gotten the point guard and center they need. Riley has strict work to come with a NBA contract. He has Dwayne Wade, Shawn Marion and Michael Beasley to build around. Not part of the plan but their only useful center is Mark Blount. Blount hits the occasional jumpshot and lay up but he needs to rebound and do more. Udonis Haslem could do better and Blount's contract could move some players around . CHris Quinn and Mario Chambers looks like the point guard for this season though I expect RIley to get a thrid string or veteran guard to come around. James Jones will be a good addition to the team. His shooting alone should make him the fourth scoring option behind Marion. The expected line up should be Quinn, Wade, Jones, Beasley and Marion. Or Blount, Marion, Beasley, Jones, wade. I don't know, let's wait longer
The Grizzlies should build around Mayo and COnley and Rudy Gay. The log jam in the backcourt could present as an opportunity for Ivarioni's fast tempo game. Conley, Lowry, mayo the Gay at the 4 spot? Criterron is perfect for trade material. A big guard who can score and defend, if he stays he'll play at 2 more and mayo will be three. The frontline has never looked thinner without Pau Gasol until they added Darrell Arthur. Arthur should fit well with Darko Milicic and Hakeem Warrick. Warrick was solid in the rotation and milicic was rebounding but troubled. Lucky they have the rights to Marc Gasol who was MVP of his Euro League. Gay should continue to fill the stats sheet fast and help turn things around. He's a proven NBA player and should spend time between the 3 and 4 regardless of who plays center. If M. Gasol becomes the player that his brother was, then they have a chance of completing in the west. Milicic time is limited but if he controls his temper, he should turn from that former draft bust label he's had since the Pistons traded him to a more legitimate center. Starting five; Conley, Mayo, Gay, Gasol/Arthur and Milicic. Strongest five, Conley, Critterion, Mayo, Gay and Gasol/ Arthur. Run baby Run all over Memphis. They should be fun to watch with Jaric's girlfriend on the sidelines and Walker shimming everytime he makes a shot like once the whole night when their down 20 but still running up the score.
Bottom Feeders of the NBA
The Bulls looked strong. I have to blame the fans for chanting "Kobe, Kobe" all night when Deng and Gordon where doing their best to just make the team win. The Ben Wallace experiment is officially over. What i didn't like in the trade was giving away Joe Smith but he basically helped make the trade work. It did get rid of that weak log jam in the front line. I think Del Negro is a good risk. He's fresh and so is 1st pick Derrick Rose. The only problem now for the Bulls a log jam in the guard position. They obviously have too may guards that can score. Rose, Hinrich, ben gordon, Hughes, Selfosa. These are guys who basically need at least 20 -30 minutes a game. I can see it working for Gordon coming off the bench with Rose and Hughes starting. I think Hinrich can be the back up for Rose. They may elect for a three guard instead meaning Deng can slide to PF with Joakim Noah or Tyrus Thomas at center. Nocioni and Gooden are still around and can contribute as the veterans on this team. My advice is that if all hell breaks lose the team, give Hughes, Gooden, Nocioni, Hinrich and Luol Deng the starting spot. They should get to a 50-50 team there and the young ones can just come of the bench time to time and gain experience and hopefully turn into a playoff team next year. I say 70% chance they'll be a .500 team with a good record but doesn't make the playoffs. 20% chance of becoming worst than the Knicks. 10% chance of becoming a playoff contender.
The Knicks. Worst. Bad. Betrayed. yet, Popular in all things. They have a young but strong core. Danillo Gallinari is the best player on the team right now. They need to turn misused players into stronger players to get better. They have good point guards in Chris Duhon and Nate Robinson and Anthong ROberson. They have Wing players like Q-Richardson, Jared Jeffries, Wilson Chandler and Mardy Collins. The backcourt is not good enough to win but they'll be fun to watch. Chandler and Robinson in particular are the future of this team. D'Antoni needs to get this two guys running to get this team on the block. He'll probably start with Duhon, Richardson, and Chandler as 1,2,3 with Balkman gone. For the frontline, David Lee will finally get his chance. After a Zach Randolph and Eddy Curry experiment and let's not leave out the Jerome James signing which is worst than the Marbury extension, all gone wrong; Lee should get the chance to prove himself a double-double guy. Gallinari in the mean while will have to be hidden somewhere in defense before he gets plowed again. 300 pounds and bam! Bad back and out of the summer league. He can definitely shoot. Critics can't take away his experiece and i think with his jumpshot alone, He'll be a 14ppg guy just coming off the bench. Curry on the other hand will have to remain the team's center of he wants to prove himself worth the while. Randolph will just need to keep doing his scoring thing and 20 -10 stuff and stop throwing towels at teammates. Curry is fine but just don't expect him to play with Randolph will. I think Curry can come off the becnh more. Predicted 4 and 5. Randolph and Lee. Other possibilities? Curry and Randolph? not gonna happen.....I think they sink and Gallinari will be in Europe again if he doesn't work out but he has too much exprience to fall off. Where do you get a player who's 18 but has the composure of a veteran?
Where are we? Bobcats. Larry Brown will make them better. The pg is clear with RaymonD felton and DJ Augustin. Augustin is the real deal, i can and the other spot has Jason Richardson and Gerald Wallace and behind them is the long line of Matt Caroll , Adam Morrison, and Jared Dudley. Caroll and Morrison are interchangeable with Richardson and Wallace but I think Dudley will be the more used player in Larry Brown's system. Coach value defense and toughness and Dudley will get his share. The front court has just been bad luck but Dudley has been a good helper there. Emeka Okafor will be back and staying put which is good and his defense and rebounding is a perfect fit for the Bobcats needs. Nazr Mohammed is the next best center and i think he could be down for a starter. Ryan Hollins and Jamario Davidson will be back-ups with French project Alexis Ajinca. Sean May is the key man. If he can be healthy and become that old-fashioned low-post presence he used to be, the Bobcats will have a perfect compliment to Okafor. This is the most solid the team has ever been since it's beginning. Now it's time to put in the effort. They have the best chance of the group to advance and match up with other teams. They're the most well-equipped to pull this off. Now it's just effort from here on. Predicted starters? Felton, J-Rich, G-Wallace, Okafor and Mohammed. Augustin could be the starter by the end of the year with or without the playoff-making thing.
OKC- Kevin Durant, Jeff Green, Russell Westbrook are the top-three players right now. CHris WIlcox is the best of those entering their prime. Collision and the other projects in Petro and Sene will have to pay off soon. The team has been looking for another Shawn Kemp since 2003. Wilcox could be it and the team looks close to improving each year. Ridnour will be quality starter/ backup. I don't predict them to make moves but they'll bring some excitement to this new city. Best back-ups will be De-von Hardin, Damien Wilkins and Earl Watson. Keep this core intact and they can turn things around a lot. They need time but I don't see them matching up well to other teams in the West soon. They'll have long way to go. Starting five for season? Ridnour, Wilcox, Durant, Green and Collison. By the end of the year? Durant, Westbrook, Green, Wilcox and Sene/ Hardin.
Too be continued.......I have two tests tomorrow!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Been too long, NBA season
For one, Gilbert Arenas is a smart guy. Taking $16 M off the big contract? That's basically giving the franchise a chance to sign better players. The Wizards lost so far Roger Mason to the Spurs and I haven't seen them make some moves which could impact the team aside from drafting Javale McGee, but they seem like one of those teams that doesn't really need changing. They have their starters coming back next season. Arenas, DeShawn Stevenson, Caron Butler, Antwan Jamison, and Brendan Haywood; and like the Lakers they have a young but strong bench, Andray Baltche, Nick Young, Antonio Daniels, Dominic McGuire, Darius Songalia, McGee, Perchovic , Etan Thomas.....can't remember all but the bench gets better every year. They could use some help at center or a back up guard or forward. Currently signing someone like David Harrison or Devean George would look good but the Wizards look formidable already with out them.
Detroit is too young and raw without it's veterans. If all but two or three starters are left, who would be the starters? Rip , Affalo , Stuckey, Prince, Brown? Not good. Rip and Prince are the most valuable players right now. Stuckey and Affalo will become guys who earn around the $5M to $10 M in the long run to replace Billups and Wallace. BillUps will continue to be the leader of this team for years to come but eventually, the Pistons will need to rebuild with better guys other than Prince and Stuckey and Amir Johnson. I like the signing of Brown because even though he's already labeled first pick-bust. He's still a solid player. He can bang around and get boards. Honestly, I think I rather see him start and get McDyess to come off the bench better. Brown can be a 20-35 Minutes guy with around 9-10 rebounds a game with a 8 ppg average. Adding another offensive minded veteran to the mix could be a good idea. They could risk signing and trading for players like andre Iguodala and Josh Smith or JR Smith. Wallace or Hamilton could fall into the deal for Smith or Iguodala for a better deal. Sixers would get the ability of Hamilton to find the open spots he'll have with Elton Brand attracting a lot of attention. Wallace can fill out the hole by Josh Childress and Smith by being bothe scorer and rebounder although it is unlikely the Hawks will take him. Like hot-tempered and veteran presence and scoring and shooting and 14ppg average for guy looking for $12M , fan-favorite, high flying, possible all-star in their twenties? not gonna happen unless the Hawks get more like adding one of the Young Pistons to the mix. Pistons getting Brown and trying to pry other players from the free agent pool means Dumars could be making a last stand in the Eastern Conference for the next 2 years and show that they can still be a championship team despite their breakdown for the past two years one against lebron James and another against the Big Three Boston Celtics team. Now this year, they have added threats in the form of a Full-powered Wizards team, and a rejuvinated Elton Brand Sixers team which pushed them to the brink without a proper post presence and the ever resilient Raptors could be chomping below.
Speaking of the East, it's new beasts are already getting attention. Micheal Beasley and Elton Brand just made it harder to guard the paint. Miami Heat are in-danger of losing Dwayne Wade in 2010 if they don't make any moves. They have a young core in Mario Chambers and Michael Beasley but they need a center and the Free agent market is getting thiner. Unless Shawn Marion or Udonis Haslem can play that post, the Heat are probably rebuilding. Some teams could use Haslem as a power Forward. Even if Alonzo Mourning returns or Mark Blount becomes a better post presence or rebounder for his $10M a year contract , that could save the team some money or chemistry. For now all eyes are on their young new duo of Beasley and Wade and on former All-star Shawn Marion to keep the Heat afloat. On the bright side, signing James Jones, a talented shooter and long wing guy will be a good addition but unless Wade plays the point then Jones could play the big guard. The 3 and 4 will be either Marion or Beasley and center would be sigh.....Blount or sligtly shorter sigh.....Haslem...whew! Jason Williams could come back but he would take a huge cut. Chris Quinn and Chambers looks like the only options they have right now. Heat are in the pits right now but with hard work they could go back to elite status in two years time if Wade stays put with Beasley.
Not much for now...more to come
Sunday, June 1, 2008
CHat with GOd from an email
God: Hello. Did you call me?
Me: Called you? No.. Who is this?
God: This is GOD. I heard your prayers. So I thought I will chat.
Me: I do pray. Just makes me feel good. I am actually busy now. I am inthe midst of something.
God: What are you busy at? Ants are busy too.
Me: Don't know. But I can't find free time. Life has become hectic. It's rush hour all the time.
God: Sure. Activity gets you busy. But productivity gets you results.Activity consumes time. Productivity frees it.
Me: I understand. But I still can't figure out. By the way, I was notexpecting YOU to buzz me on instant messaging chat.
God: Well I wanted to resolve your fight for time, by giving you some. In this net era, I wanted to reach you through the medium you are comfortable with.
Me: Tell me, why has life become complicated now?
God: Stop analyzing life. Just live it. Analysis is what makes it complicated.
Me: why are we then constantly unhappy?
God: Your today is the tomorrow that you worried about yesterday. You are worrying because you are analyzing. Worrying has become your habit.That's why you are not happy.
Me: But how can we not worry when there is so much uncertainty?
God: Uncertainty is inevitable, but worrying is optional.
Me: But then, there is so much pain due to uncertainty.
God: Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional.
Me: If suffering is optional, why do good people always suffer?
God: Diamond cannot be polished without friction. Gold cannot be purified without fire. Good people go through trials, but don't suffer. With thatexperience their life become better not bitter.
Me: You mean to say such experience is useful?
God: Yes. In every term, Experience is a hard teacher. She gives the test first and the lessons afterwards.
Me: But still, why should we go through such tests? Why can't we be free from problems?
God: Problems are Purposeful Roadblocks Offering Beneficial Lessons (to) Enhance Mental Strength. Inner strength comes from struggle andendurance, not when you are free from problems.
Me: Frankly in the midst of so many problems, we don't know where we are heading..
God: If you look outside you will not know where you are heading. Look inside. Looking outside, you dream. Looking inside, you awaken. Eyesprovide sight. Heart provides insight.
Me: Sometimes not succeeding fast seems to hurt more than moving in the right direction. What should I do?
God: Success is a measure as decided by others. Satisfaction is a measure as decided by you. Knowing the road ahead is more satisfying than knowing you road ahead. You work with the compass. Let others work with the clock.
Me: In tough times, how do you stay motivated?
God: Always look at how far you have come rather than how far you have to go. Always count your blessing, not what you are missing.
Me: What surprises you about people?
God: When they suffer they ask, 'why me?' When they prosper, they never ask 'Why me'. Everyone wishes to have truth on their side, but few want to be on the side of the truth.
Me: Sometimes I ask, who am I, why am I here. I can't get the answer.
God: Seek not to find who you are, but to determine who you want to be. Stop looking for a purpose as to why you are here. Create it. Life is notmerely a process of discovery but a process of co-creation. You are my co-creator.
Me: How can I get the best out of life?
God: Face your past without regret. Handle your present with confidence. Prepare for the future without fear.
Me: One last question. Sometimes I feel my prayers are not answered.
God: There are no unanswered prayers. At times the answer is NO.
Me: Thank you for this wonderful chat.
God: Well. Keep the faith and drop the fear. Don't believe your doubts and doubt your beliefs. Life is a mystery to solve not a problem to resolve.Trust me. Life is wonderful if you know how to live. 'Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that took our breath away!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
NBA draft prospects
Mike Beasley- a top pick. No doubt about his rebounding and offensive skills. He can only go either to the Bulls or Heat.
With the Bulls, opponents already had problems with Ben Gordon and Kirk Hinrich running and scoring at will and with Luol Deng on the wing. Imagine an inside presence like Beasley, not to mention those wicked perimeter jumpers which he'll be throwing up all night. The Bulls in a team play might need to actually adjust on this one. Beasley can actually go at it on his own and might take a few bad shots early but if he's like thrid or second option, he might develop a nice pass and solidify himself as a power forward in the NBA not just scoring I mean.
With the Heat, He'll look a little better, I can imagine Pat Riley pulling some nice deals for Shawn Marion and Mark Blount. Though he and Dwayne Wade could turn into a nice 1-2 punch in Shaquille O'Neal's departure, he'll be paired up with Udonis "Undersized, Underrated" Haslem, who's 6-8 as a center. Riley will need to pull some nice size out of the Market if they get Beasley. With Marion at 3, it might not be bad. Marion can wreck all the havoc he wants on defense and the offensive glass while Wade and Mike "Beast" Beasley (yes, I gave him a nickname) can just keep shooting and slashing and posting. They'll need a point guard to get that ball around right and not throw it at one of those two all the time. Wade can go into his combo guard thing and Beasley can be his usual 3-4 guy self while Marion just rebounds and blocks shots and in the long run, guard really big guards and forwards (eg. Lebron James, Paul Pierce, Kobe Bryant, Chris Paul, Tony Parker). Nobody really realises that Marion's length and jump can stop or slow down those guys and, with a good PG and a hard-working center, I say, Beasley can help the Heat get back on track in the East.
Derrick Rose- Top two picks, I don't think he can reach the first yet. Rose is incredible with his drives and jumpshots. I hear he doesn't have the right shot yet like Lebron but he can be deadly with it in the long term. Long term is the key here. I may be underestimating him but Rose needs time but he can help two teams out.
With the Bulls, he'll probably be regulated to the bench and start during mid-season after he gets used to the 82-game run. He'll provide a lot of offense and regulating and could either get Bulls GM to trade a guard or two. He'll probably become a combo guard and a 1-2 punch with Ben Gordon or Luol Deng. Rose will probably get the Bulls somewhere but not the play-offs, yet.
With the Heat, Riley can finally get rid of Jason Williams. With all due respect to Williams, Rose will be a perfect fit with Wade. Rose can develop into a pure point guard and a good jumpshot and play making skills from just playing pick-up with Wade. He's athelism also compliments well with Marion and both might become key defenders against really tough guys.
OJ Mayo- first round material not top.
With the Sonics, if things work out for the best. Mayo can help himself and Kevin Durant get better. Both are young and need to get into a passing game as well as a good flow of team work. They may easily get trigger happy but if all else fails there's the possibility of Mayo being a sixth-man instead and having each wreck all the havoc they want on their own. Though, I'd let Durant become a 3-guy rather than a big guard at 2.
With the Wolves, he'll force some trades. Rashard MacCants, Marko Jaric, and even Randy Foye might be looking for a trade if Mayo comes in. He won't turn the wolves into a contender but in the long run they might look better that the Portland trail Blazers. Al Jefferson and Mayo, inside and out will be the new key on the Wolves offense and Mchale can make up his Garnett trade for a stronger center to pair up to Jefferson. The Wolves will be looking for a player who can make an impact so Mayo can be a good candidate.
I haven't seen the rest but this blog has to go somewhere
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Faster than you think
We don't know. We can make up a dozen excuses about it being wrong or just plain dumb or watching too much TV. Bottom line, people forget and we'll just move on. I can remember three things a week and the rest in my phone calendar; we can remember a few things but the rest is stuck up somewhere else. We don't forget. We just get lost.
Life's just too fast sometimes and we end up pushing the gas instead of the breaks to find out where we are. We get lost, forget our names, numbers and people we know but every once in a while, I sit down and think about the people who need help around me as I take time to pray. Nothing much is easy with I and E coming my way. You see, each day we do this and that we go in circles sometimes but we don't care. We just wanna get some where and run like nobody's business.
We wanna get good real fast in sports that we lose the balance of technique and fitness.
We wanna get good grades or fast things done in school, we get too used to runing with out shoes and forget our friends. We lose the balance between school and friends.
We wanna make some money. We forget the balance of service and selling.
We wanna eat fast. We didn't realise it till we ate 6 fast foods a week and forgot the home food our family eats together.
Maybe we go faster than we think. Maybe we just lost it or just never took the time to thing.
Point is we need to slow down man and get it together before things become messed up
Friday, March 28, 2008
just words
The time my grandfather passed away, I could still remember it. It was hard to take. My dad called and it just came out then it was a really slow time from there. It was hard for my dad and my uncles. To make it short, it was like time slowed down every minute and it was never easy during the mourning, and never easier in the burial. My dad and I still go down there with fresh flowers and all to visit the grave.
My grandparents were really unselfish. They didn't desire too much expensive stuff and didn't like it much either although they appreciated it a lot when we sent gifts from Singapore. It was a sad time for me. I enjoyed playing with my grandfather during those times even when he suffered a stroke he still played around with us. He probably could hear us playing in the basketball courts just outside his room and everytime we came in, I alwats felt that it lifted his spirits till we were just bugging him. I didn't remember a lot about my grandfather but what his life really spoke more about what he wanted to do in life. He raised kids who became smart and disciplined ,and me and my cousins were kinda following in his footsteps. Family always came first for him and pretty much just took care of us with my grandmother later on. Now my grandmother is still here, we're still taking care of her and in a way she's taking care of us. The caring never really stops. Whether it's grandparents or children, caring is a 24-7 job that we do. It just goes on.
I love it. I love the game and the intensity it gives. All I have is words. I just say that yes I love this game. I love this sport and I want my actions to speak louder than words.
Just words.
just happens.
Just move on.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Who Am I?
I was created by God and saved by His sacrifice on the cross. I was called to Singapore to take care of my family and make the most out of my education there. I was to be a mess and a wreck and yet God changed my life. It was His Grace not because I was good or any good deed I did but by His Grace.
I'm still a mess. I made a bad choice with a friendship. I still have a hard time trying to focus on studying. I'm inconsistent in being fit or even prepared for tests. I can forget friends i don't talk to for a long time. Yet, God has been good. By His Grace, Here I am. He makes me work. He reminds me who's important. He reminds me who's in charge and He reminds me who's in need. WHo Am I?God knows me and that's who I am, His.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
A dedication for Valentine's Day
Dad- took care of us taught me everything about work and family
Mom- took care of us and taught me about love and friendships
Sisters (Sydney and Sara)- I still have to take care of you two
Cousins(Dad and Mom side and whoever is related to me by Blood, took me years to find you!)- everything else you need to have with a reunion
AMa- Family is important I wont' forget that
Uncles and AUnts- caring and helpful
Natasha- for being such a good friend when I was in Junior College and helped to get to know some wonderful people such as Tina, Jolyn, Jia Xin, Jamie, Al, and well can't remember them all but thanks for inviting me to your BBQ.
Daniel Ng and Daniel Low - For having a heart of a brother, to care and help out and teach bit by bit.
Ravi- someone I can look up to ( literally) but mostly for being a good brother
Footprints- for taking me in
Blink and Allan- Helping me out in my first year in SG
D-Team- Look forward to working with you more
John Lin- for helping me discover a different side of Bible study.
Jolyn- For helping me find a nice CD store, a Junior College which was worth two months, and a friendship that taught me about relationships.
Sock Kian- for helping find a use for what I do best, taking care and teaching my younger sister.
Eunice, Mei Ling, Sheryl, Choomin, Psychology students, Joshua Simon, Melody, Caleb, Chelmin, Mass Communication students- helped me see the world in a different view and learn how to treat people right and how helpful friends can be; Caleb for being a great leader and brother; Joshua Simon and Daniel Koh for just bringing in some energy during X.
Ariana and Wendy- The most energetic duo I've ever met
Sharon (Campus Crusade) - for introducing me to good bunch of young Christians such as Moses and counselling me about some stuff I needed to know
Winnie (Campus Crusade)- Encouraging me in helping other people
Ron(Campus Crusade)- For having me on the team
Renee- For just being a good friend and encouraging me a few times down the road
Taby- For helping me settle some things and a truthful friend
Constance, Hannah, Michelle, Sarah Wong and any ECH student- for helping me decide to stay in the Children's ministry and to those who are SM's for taking care of your DG
Seth, Kenneth, Willis, Titus- for volunteering yourselves in camp, for being good brothers in Christ.
Seth- a true servant who I can fool around but also just talk to about a lot of stuff
Titus- giving me some chinese music in my I-Pod and being a good bro in Christ
Kenneth and your brother Terence- thanks for memories in BPSS and just being good friends
Willis- Worship man
Joel, Fred, Joshua, Daniel Liu- For being a really fun and brotherly bunch
Jophillien- a good friend to talk to and told me about worship
Jonathan Hwa- giving me tips on rock climbing and helping me fit into the group
Weege, Naufal, Shaun, Jason, Afis, Aleen, Celine, Janice, Juer, Rastus, Rasmus, Lyon ,Wei liong( Sorry if spelling is wrong), Sue Ann and Rock Climbing club- for just being a fun bunch to be around and helping me grow as a climber.
Krystabelle- for keeping in touch during those times I was in SG and in the philippines
Her batch and Classmates- thanks for all the caring messages and friends
"A Lifetime is not too long to live as......"
Tiffany Shui ngo- For being such a wonderful friend and showing me true frienship and even keeping in contact after indonesia
BPSS 4E4 and Band- for helping me find my place around school during first year in SG.
Benjamin Toh- Helping me fix some computer problems and helping me out in band
Azhar- Bro , why do you think your here? hahahah.... Thanks for being a good friend up to now
Kai Ling, Kai TIng, Fang yu- teaching me music and letting me make some tough choices
Kimberly Li, Ryan, and other filipino students in SG- Pinoy diba? kasama kayo! Mabuhay!
CHino and Jenina- you don't know each other but I think we're the only filipinos in school so far as I know....thanks for basketball and friendship
PJC s0722- thanks for a great time in JC.
PJC, NP, BPSS, GCHS(philippines) teachers and cousellors- guidance through education
Biomedical Engineering Year 1 Students Class H12- for being a good bunch to be around, I'm lucky to have good classmates like you guys. You all my friends.
Group mates and close friends- thanks for good teamwork and friendship
Suren- for just being a cool friend bro
Petrina- a caring friend
FOC GL's and Dagonet group mates- haven;t forgotten you guys, it'll be time to remember during FOC '07 and I;m wearing the shirt as I write this! Jocelyn, Kai, Marcus, Yining, Qian Hua, Jazreel, Bryan, Yat, Amy, Matt, Evan, Weege, Nina, Jerry, Rastus and so on.....
Sailing club- even if it was just a short while, thanks for having me.
I still have a long list, so I just thank everyone who's my friend today and whoever's on my friendster, facebook ,met, talked to, my phonebook, I'll remember you all. Whether I said good, caring, cool , energtic.....we're all the same. happy valentine's day yo.
Just love the people i my life
This post isn't enough for me to put all the names down, Memories and kept in the heart and they last more than a lifetime for us to enjoy and live life. Sorry, if I forget, but if you need anyhelp, give me a call and same to ya all.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Everyday is a battle
Yeah, I know. You need people. People need people. I won't argue with that. My style is just different. I'm never in the mood to ask for help but always in the mood to help out. It's kinda hard for me to ask for help on stuff that I know I can do on my own. Like math, I know I can do math right and make it look good and all but when I'm stuck I let it go and wait for the teacher to show so I can understand and remember it. I guess I do need help sometimes. It's part of being independent. It's part of who we are and what we do and when we ask help.
I admit, I made it though some times with help but when it's my burden and my problem, I'd like to keep it and deal with it alone. Oh I talk to God but when He talks back it's usually through the book I read. Sometimes it was from my friends, sometimes just other ways. It was hard. It was tough but I was growing up.
I'm trying to be independent now. Learning to solve my own problems, my own work, my own course. Sometimes i feel stuff is just between me and God. Sometimes I just share it with him and don't share it with nobody except people I know who can give me a tip bout it. It's the hard way but the road is blessed. My road ain;t perfect but it's been blessed.
I thank a lot of people for helping me out to learn. Your making me independent and my sucess is your sucess, But our sucess is God's and His alone. I was just his vessel his using. I know he loves me. I know he doesn't give up on me. Maturity, Independecy, and Workmanship. Things we need to learn as we Grow. Where you going now?
Thursday, January 3, 2008
2008. What can I say? I ended on a bad note? I ended on a good note? Who cares? It's about how you start prepared. Yes, When you enter a game, you warm up, jog, get your body in shape, try a few easy moves and meditate on the next few minutes before it starts. It kinda gets scary from there, sweaty palms and all.
I remember my first basketball game with my school team. I played 10 minutes and comitted 4 fouls. I think I had a flagrant too. I look back and say, "well, we'll all have bad starts."
I can't remember any worst start than the Miami Heat last year. They got honored and their championship rings from winning the previous year and got pounded by 20 points or more by the Chicago Bulls, the same team that swept them in four games in the playoffs 82 games later, well not exactly a good ending to them too. It was no fun to get beat so badly after just having won a championship the year earlier. Just ask the Los Angeles Lakes in 2004.
WHat do we do with bad starts? Do we keep trying something we did before and try to do the same thing over and over? (wouldn't that be boring but effective). Or try something new?
Something New to the Game? A new dimesion? strategy? schedule? work place? attitude? heart?
Depends on how your going to play it. Decide, the Game just started and it's called life.